3 Easy Steps To Help You Prepare To Hire A Virtual Assistant
There comes a time in every business that they reach the point they feel it’s time to bring on a Virtual Assistant but the thought of where to start can be extremely overwhelming. That’s why I have decided to take you step by step through the process of hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA).
In this 4 part series you will learn how to…..
* Prepare for a VA
* Interview a VA and welcome the aboard
* Onboard your VA
* Building a long and lasting relationship with your VA
In this 1st part I want to discuss how to prepare for a VA. This include knowing what task to delegate and how to prepare those task.
Let’s get started!
When you are ready to hire a VA it’s best to ensure that you are fully prepared beforehand. Here are a few things you should have prepared so that onboarding your VA is a breeze.
Step 1: Knowing what to delegate
Know what task you are ready to outsource to your VA. This seems to one of the most overwhelming steps for my clients. They know that it is time to hire a VA but when it comes time to delegate those task they either feel like they don’t know where to start or what task they can actually delegate. I have created a list of task that you can delegate to your VA. Of course this is just a small list but it will give you a good starting point.
Step 2: Creating Your List
Knowing what you can delegate and creating a list to delegate are two very different task. Since I own and operate my business alone as many of you do it becomes hard for me to write down what I do on a day to day basis. The easiest way to create this list is to write each task down as you go through your day. Once you have wrote down each task as you started it throughout the day you can then go back and start deciding which task you are ready to hand over and which task you are not.
I know you are probably think by now how time consuming the prep work for a VA alone is what will it be like once you bring them onboard. Well let me tell you it will be 10x’s harder than this if you are not prepared. I have seen where clients spend sometimes 2 weeks to get task over to me and by the time we start working on these it’s a new month and we just got started. So trust me taking this extra time to prepare yourself for a VA is worth the time. Now let’s move on to step 3.
Step 3: Breaking down your delegated list
Once you have decided what you are wanting to delegate now it’s time to break those task down into steps and a process of completing each task. In this step you will want to explain each step you use to complete the task. If you use a particular software, you already have a system that you use, or maybe you want a specific style for this task. By breaking down each task into steps you are setting your VA up for success and your ROI sooner. There are a few different ways you can break these task down. You can write out a step by step list, you can create a how to video with the screen share feature that way your VA has visual reference, or you can create an audio that explains the step by step guide of each task. Regardless of how this information is deliver you will want to make sure that you have it prepared and ready for your new VA.
I have created a to do list template to help you create your list to delegate and break it down step by step. Click HERE to download
Just a few quick tips to remember….
*Make sure you have a way to share your passwords with your VA
*Consider a CRM system just incase your VA doesn’t already have one
*List all the systems and software you use and which ones your VA will need to access
Have you been struggling with hiring a virtual assistant?
Have you been trying to find the time to organize your task before even thinking about hiring a VA?
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