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I Don’t Need A System…. I Have One Password For Everything!

💡 Did you know…..

68.4% of people use the same password across multiple sites

PASSWORDS…. A simple combination of letters, words, numbers and symbols that we use on a daily basis for absolutely everything. This simple 8-6 character combination is the key to some of the most important parts of our lives yet we can be so careless with them. Passwords are the master key to unimaginable ruins when in the wrong hands. Once your email is hacked the rest of your accounts are a piece of cake. Your email is the gateway to every single account that have…. Retail, utilities, banking, memberships, and so much more. We especially make it easy for online predators when we use the same password for EVERYTHING!!----> GUILTY!!!

I am sure that you are asking yourself right about now….

*How am I expected to remember the millions of passwords I use on a daily basis if they are all different?

Well the answer to that is you shouldn't expect yourself to remember all those passwords instead you should create a password system. A password system will not only keep you organized but will also relieve you from the burden of remembering multiple passwords not to mention a centralized location for your loved one to access if god forbid something were to ever happen to you. There are multiple ways you can create this system. You of course will want to create on that makes you comfortable and works best for you. Let’s explore a few of those options and let you decide the best one for you.

Different Types Of Systems:

When creating any type of system you usually have 2 choices….

Paper or Electronic

I personally prefer paper systems when I am organizing different things but my husband prefers electronic so I just combine the 2 options and create a system that works for us. Since each option has pros and cons I am going to give tips for each.

Electronic Systems:

There are many many database applications online that are great for storing password information. Here are the top 4 options I chose for you.

*LastPass--- Free for basic account & my favorite one

*Splash ID-- $20.00 but it not only stores and encrypts passwords but also SS’s, VIN #’s, etc

*Keepass--- Free

*Password Generator---- Free

Paper Based Systems:

There are so many different ways that this type of system can be created and all of them are very efficient for keeping up with all of your passwords. Here are my 4 favorite options for creating a paper based system.

*Index card filing system

*Tracker or logging system

*Journal or notebook

*Tracker or log on the inside of a file folder assigned to each account category

These are just a few of the different options you have available for each system and they each have their pros and cons. The goal when creating a password system is to have a way to maintain your passwords as well as keep your accounts safe.

Grab your free password tracker to help you get started on keeping up with all you daily passwords. Check it out HERE

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